Sunday, February 11, 2007

Big Night

I haven't forgotten about the blog. My goal is to get to post twice a week. Unfortunately I'm not doing much right now so there is not much to write about.

I have seen a few good movies and finished off 2 books since my last post. The book part is surprising. I have read a total of...ummm...maybe 1/2 a fiction book since high school. I do read many magazines and inspirational/religious type books, but never fiction. But it has hit me that TV is terrible. Especially daytime TV. So novels it is. I'm on my 3rd and can't believe I have missed such entertainment the past few years.

I am very excited about The Grammys tonight, though. It is a good chance to see some old music (tonight The Police will be back) and also see how old and like my parents I really am. Most of the acts tonight I will look at and say "That's not music" just like my dad. Even though his opinion of real music and mine are different...we both know today's music is not it. But I watch eager to learn. The Grammys are required watching for cool dads. And cool dad I am.

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