Monday, August 29, 2011


School is in full swing, baseball is starting for fall, laundry, groceries, family time, date night.... you get the picture. The amazing thing to me is, we remain sane, everything gets done and I feel pretty well adjusted.
Aside from the happenings in my own house, my family as a whole is facing new challenges. Things are happening that no one "planned", but I have learned in my life, that sometimes, the best things aren't "planned". We go with the flow, we make adjustments and in the end, the purpose shows itself. We have to be open to possiblities and remember not to judge too harshly. Because in the end, it all works itself out, and we go with it. What other choice do we have? So in the mean time, we decide how we handle it. With grace and dignity? Like a spoiled child?
We also have to remember and realize, that not everything is about us. My family's situation, it doesn't directly affect me, indirectly, yes. But the decisions that are made, the end result, those aren't mine. I have a really important job though. I get to be supportive and loving. I get to listen and love. In the end, I get to care, not judge. And while it's happening, I offer all the love I have, in whatever form that needs to take. Cause you see, it's not about me, I am just honored to be apart of it.