Tuesday, January 20, 2009


I am listening to the tv. Who isn't this day? No matter who you voted for, the day is historic. I don't know that I have ever paid too much attention. I think it is neat that my kids are in the midst of this day. Alex of course as no idea what is going on, but this is his first Presidental Inaguration. He just wants me to turn Spongebob on! Will is at school but I know they have talked about it. He knows who President Elect Obama is when he sees him on tv. He thinks it is neat that he has kids about his age.
We are in the middle of changes, some good, some bad. I think it is important to watch, to pay attention, to remain involved. I will continue to listen and to watch today, simply because it is history and this is my country and today I am proud.

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