Monday, January 21, 2008

Opinions of a 3 year old...

Jesus attends children's church, but then he goes home. If you have him in your heart he will go home with you, otherwise, he just goes to his own home.

Jesus does not live in Alex's heart... He does however live in his belly-button and that goes ALL THE WAY UP to his neck. Alex does love Jesus and Jesus loves Alex, ALOT.

He has opionions on lots of things I am finding. He thinks the vaccum cleaner is the enemy and it is way too loud.

Police men, ALWAYS get the bad guys and the help the good guys. Papa (my dad) is a police man, he puts the bad guys in jail. Sometimes he uses his "shooter-gun", but only if he really needs to.

Doctors help you in the hopsital, but if you need something before that, you have to call a "ambalance", it will help you first. Papa works on that too. (He is learning that Papa has many hats).

Okay, so there are my "Alexisms", hope you enjoy as much as I do!

Be Blessed...

1 comment:

berit_k said...

isn't it awesome what they come up with?