Sunday, July 1, 2007


I have been a big tennis fan since I was very young. I don't get to play much anymore, but I still love watching it. Wimbledon will enter its second week this week while getting alot of bad press about one of their policies. To tell you the truth I have never noticed this policy until this year but I commend them on it. A major championship in tennis starts on a Monday and ends after 2 weeks of constant play. That is, except for Wimbledon. They actually do not play on the Sunday in the middle of the tournament. What? A huge event stops for church? Never has a match been played on the middle Sunday at the most prestigous tennis tournament in the world. (They do play the gentleman's championship on the last Sunday, but notably in the evening after church time.)

More and more as I ger older Sunday is regarded as just another day. I myself am not unguilty of this thinking. (Ask and I can tell you a not-so-great story about fishing on a particular Sunday)

Hopefully I can develop in my kids the habit of going to church on Sunday. In no way do I think this will gain them first in line at heaven's gate. Being a Christian is, no doubt, a whole lot more than just going to church on Sunday morning. But...#1... I firmly believe that what little I have today in terms of wisdom has developed from being at church around Christian peers. Plus...argument #2...the world needs to be able to tell tell difference between His chosen people and lost people. Lost people need to want what we have to offer. Today it is getting harder and harder to pick a Christian out of a group. Shouldn't I talk different? Shouldn't I carry myself different? Shouldn't I act different? I've never read where God guarantees we will fit into the world around us.

By standing up to even 1 Sunday, Wimbledon has made themselves different. They aren't fitting in to what the status quo says should happen. To a lost world this doesn't make sense. To Christians it should.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh Mike, how eloquent you are in saying what I wanted to say but could not. You should blog more often, I enjoy your thoughts so much. I'm concerned about those who disregard the Lord's house on the one day set aside to worship.

Love Grammy