8 years ago today, the Lord blessed our lives with a sweet, 7lb 10oz, bouncing baby boy. He was the greatest blessing our lives had ever known. I feel so blessed to be his mom. One of his teachers described him something like this: Will LOVES to play with kids. He walks onto a playground and he doesn't see color, gender, good or bad. He doesn't care if you are rich or poor, or somewhere in between, he simply sees kids. A bunch of different playmates. His Mimi says he is an angel, with no wings, who has been given to us to love. I believe both. He is my angel, my first born. He is full of life, a smile when you need it and a shy "I love you", with a little hug to go with it. Not overpowering, just Will.
Happy Birthday to my Doodle Bug, always my Will.